No Dialectic Logic
“There is no dialectic logic. There are no higher thought forms. There is merely reflection which is wise enough to take account of the fluidity of its subject matter…”
~ Max Eastman
“There is no dialectic logic. There are no higher thought forms. There is merely reflection which is wise enough to take account of the fluidity of its subject matter…”
~ Max Eastman
“Those consecrating themselves to communism must not only cast out truth, mercy, justice, and personal honor, but undergo a sickening discipline in lies, cruelty, crime and self abasement.” ~Max Eastman
“The Marxist method is to accentuate the class struggle, organize it, and carry it forward…in full consciousness of the ruthlessness of the forces at play, to the goal of a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.” ~Max Eastman
“Marx is concerned to defend the concept of society as a single ‘object, reality, sensibility,’ having the character which all objects have–namely, that of self-active practicality.” ~Max Eastman
“Officialdom gone mad, officialdom erected into a new and merciless exploiting class; the people universally disarmed; gripped in the fist of a ruling clique which, when needful, wages armed war on the people.” ~Max Eastman
“The belief that such a millennium could be brought into being by ‘some combination of lawyers, business and labor managers, politicians and intellectuals,’ is hard to take seriously.” ~Max Eastman
“The Russian revolution is perhaps the greatest tragedy in human history, terrible in the breadth of its impact, terrible in the depth of its significance, terrible in its personal details.” ~Max Eastman
“Chinese Communists were hand-in-glove with Stalin in his plan to seize Manchuria, and then all China, and then all Asia, and then the world, for the totalitarian revolution.” ~Max Eastman
“I still regarded Stalin’s totalitarian dictatorship as an enemy, rather than a result, of the policies of Lenin. It took me another two years to arrive at the knowledge that Lenin’s methods—bolshevik Marxism—were to blame.” ~Max Eastman
“When I came home from Europe in 1927 most of my old political friends refused to speak to me on the street. I was a traitor, a renegade, a pariah, a veritable untouchable, so far as the communists were concerned.” ~Max Eastman