Practical Thinking
“If Marx had understood the art of practical thinking, Das Kapital might have been as great a book as the Hegelian Marxists think it is.” ~Max Eastman
“If Marx had understood the art of practical thinking, Das Kapital might have been as great a book as the Hegelian Marxists think it is.” ~Max Eastman
“Far from abandoning ‘all philosophy’ for science, Marx did not even abandon Hegel’s philosophy. He merely replaced Hegel’s World Spirit with a World Robot…” ~Max Eastman
For Lenin “an underlying, always unspoken assumption that the new is going to be what he wants it to be…” ~Max Eastman
“Hegelism is like a mental disease—you cannot know what it is until you get it, and then you can’t know because you’ve got it.” ~Max Eastman
Marx, Lenin and the Science of Revolution (1926), p.22
“In Das Kapital…the force which guarantees the evolution of capitalism to the point of rupture, and the creation of a communist state, is that same…which Hegel laid on the whole Universe in the name of God.”
~Max Eastman