Socialist Religion
“Marxism was a step from utopian socialism to a socialist religion–a scheme for convincing the believer that the universe itself is producing a better society… ” ~Max Eastman
“Marxism was a step from utopian socialism to a socialist religion–a scheme for convincing the believer that the universe itself is producing a better society… ” ~Max Eastman
“Not only is there no such thing as dialectic thinking, but there is no such superintellectual knowledge of the exact nature of the universe as that to which an alleged dialectic thinking pretends to give access.” ~Max Eastman
“Marx’s dialectic philosophy, with all its wish to be scientific, and to even out-science the scientists, is a survival of … wish-fulfillment thoughts about the world.” ~Max Eastman
“Far from abandoning ‘all philosophy’ for science, Marx did not even abandon Hegel’s philosophy. He merely replaced Hegel’s World Spirit with a World Robot…” ~Max Eastman
For Lenin “an underlying, always unspoken assumption that the new is going to be what he wants it to be…” ~Max Eastman
“To declare that ‘proletariat and wealth are opposites’ is such loose thinking that to us it seems obvious the purpose must be other than the definition of fact with a view to verified knowledge.” ~Max Eastman
“There is no intellectual question of more importance to the future of American culture than the question whether we are going to conduct our social efforts in the name of science, or are going to swallow down this romantic philosophy” ~Max Eastman
“Hegelism is like a mental disease—you cannot know what it is until you get it, and then you can’t know because you’ve got it.” ~Max Eastman
Marx, Lenin and the Science of Revolution (1926), p.22
“The Marxian policy is to root out all warm and personal religions, and at the same time destroy wonder and a sense of the world’s mystery, by putting a cold and impersonal religion in their place… ~Max Eastman
“It is impossible, once you have defined ideology as thinking which is unconscious of its motive, to let Marxism continue to hide its motive in an animistic philosophy of the universe…”
~Max Eastman