No Dialectic Logic
“There is no dialectic logic. There are no higher thought forms. There is merely reflection which is wise enough to take account of the fluidity of its subject matter…”
~ Max Eastman
“There is no dialectic logic. There are no higher thought forms. There is merely reflection which is wise enough to take account of the fluidity of its subject matter…”
~ Max Eastman
“A demonstration that Marxism has all the defining attributes of a religion would be incomplete without a warning against its own peculiar brand of scholasticism.” ~Max Eastman
“The Marxist method is to accentuate the class struggle, organize it, and carry it forward…in full consciousness of the ruthlessness of the forces at play, to the goal of a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.” ~Max Eastman
“Instead of liberating the mind of man, the Bolshevik Revolution locked it into a state’s prison tighter than ever before.” ~Max Eastman
“We are still beguiled by this other fairy tale: that a group of liberal-minded reformers can take charge of the economy and approximate a free and equal society.” ~Max Eastman
“Dialectic Materialism, examined at its point of origin, turns out to be the rather naive, cloudy, unsuccessful and half-minded attempt of a matter-of-fact mind to escape from German metaphysics.” ~Max Eastman
Marx “learned, as all good classical philosophers do, to mix the facts and the animistic presuppositions so intricately that it takes a lifetime to divide them.” ~Max Eastman
“Science has always occupied itself with changes, and animism has survived for the most part as an assertion of the Changeless which lies behind and beyond them.” ~Max Eastman
“The German state patronized modern capitalism, perverting it to the support of feudal political institutions; and the German philosophers patronized modern science, perverting it to the support of animistic superstition.” ~Max Eastman
“Marx and Engels were defending against scientific materialism–against that attitude which constitutes at least the simple common-sense starting point of science–a materialistic religion.” ~Max Eastman